Time For Change: DaAnne Smith Announces Retirement
It is with a profound respect for the Single Mothers Outreach mission and with a heavy heart that I have tendered my resignation as SMO’s executive director.

When I joined the organization in 2006, SMO was in a state of severe financial crisis and was on its way out of existence. God has given me a particular skill set to fix broken processes and lay the groundwork for a healthy organization. I have carried the sometimes immense but gratifying burden of assisting the single parent in her time of need and restoring Single Mothers Outreach to a healthy and respected Santa Clarita non profit. SMO is now no longer at risk of going out of business.
In truth, my beloved family needs me more than SMO. While I readily admit my work at SMO has been the greatest work of my career, my family is and will always be my Magnum Opus. With the birth of our first grandchild who lives halfway around the world and my youngest daughter’s impending marriage (who attends grad school in Massachusetts), I anticipate much travel in my future.
I have always said that when I cease to be effective in moving the SMO mission forward, it is time to resign and let someone else take the reins of leadership. That time has come.
Our board of directors and staff are stronger than ever and poised to take the organization to the next level in the passionate and determined quest to fulfill our organization’s most worthy goals and mission of serving single parents. I know and am proud to leave the organization in a place of strength.
I am confident that our excellent board of directors will find the very best person to replace me. I will then join the board, so really, only my role is changing. I hope to continue to volunteer at this organization that I love so much for many, many years to come.
Photo courtesy of SchlickArt
Parenting is too important a responsibility to bear alone, yet all too often single mothers and fathers are forced to do just that. With a mission to “empower single parents and their children by providing hope, support, and resources so that families can become self-sustaining and thrive,” Single Mothers Outreach (SMO) directly helps single parents find jobs, get educated, secure housing, stabilize their children’s emotional states, manage their finances, and help one another. Please visit http://www.wordpress-676057-2462368.cloudwaysapps.com for more information.